Loans | Williston State College

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教育贷款是一种必须有利息偿还的经济援助. 资格可能基于学费和贷款的经济需求. Students loans can come from the federal government, referred to as federal student loan, and is determined by completing a FAFSA.

Types of Loans

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Federal Direct Loans
Eligibility for need-based loans is based on results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 并获得其他类型的经济援助,如冰球突破试玩官方网站和助学金.

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan | The Federal Direct Loan is subsidized by the Federal Government, 这意味着联邦政府在学生上学期间支付利息. Students need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to qualify for this program. 联邦直接贷款是根据学生的经济需要发放的. There is no priority deadline to qualify for this program. 学生需要注册至少一半的时间才有资格参加这个项目.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan 联邦直接无补贴贷款不受联邦政府补贴. 因此,学生有责任在上学期间支付贷款的利息. 如果你选择不支付利息,而你在学校和宽限期和延期或 forbearance periods, your interest will accrue (accumulate) and be capitalized (that is, your interest will be added to the principal amount of your loan). Students need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to qualify for this program. There is no priority funding deadline to qualify for this program. 学生需要注册至少一半的时间才有资格获得这笔贷款.

Year 受供养学生(家长无法获得PLUS贷款的学生除外) 独立学生(以及父母无法获得PLUS贷款的受抚养本科生)
First-Year Undergraduate Annual Loan Limit $5,500 -其中不超过$3,500可作为补贴贷款. $9,500 - No more than $3,500 of this may be in subsidized loans.
Second-Year Undergraduate Annual Loan Limit $6,500 -其中不超过$4,500可作为补贴贷款. 10,500美元-其中不超过4,500美元为补贴贷款.
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Aggregate Loan Limit 31,000美元-其中不超过23,000美元的补贴贷款 本科生57,000美元-其中不超过23,000美元可用于补贴贷款.

$138,500 for graduate or professional students - No more than $65,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. 研究生总限额包括所有本科学习的联邦贷款.
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Federal Parent PLUS Loan
受抚养学生的父母可以申请联邦直接PLUS贷款,帮助支付孩子的教育费用,只要符合某些资格要求. To be eligible for a Direct PLUS Loan for Parents:
  • 家长借款人必须是学生的亲生父母或养父母. In some cases, the student's stepparent may be eligible.
  • 该学生必须是在参与直接贷款计划的学校注册至少一半时间的受抚养学生.  Generally, 如果学生年龄在24岁以下,则被视为受抚养人, has no dependents, and is not married.
  • 父借款人不得有不良信用记录(将进行信用检查). If the parent does not pass the credit check, 如果有人(例如能够通过信用检查的亲戚或朋友)同意为贷款背书,父母仍可能获得贷款. The endorser promises to repay the loan if the parent fails to do so. 如果父母能证明有情有可原的情况,他或她也可以获得贷款.
The student and parent must be U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens, 不能拖欠任何联邦教育贷款或拖欠联邦教育补助金, 并且必须满足联邦学生援助计划的其他一般资格要求. 有关资格要求的更多信息,请访问联邦 student aid eligibility page.

For a Direct PLUS Loan, 家长必须填写直接贷款申请及主本票(MPN). MPN是一份法律文件,借款者承诺向本署偿还贷款及任何应计利息及费用. It also explains the terms and conditions of the loan. In most cases, 一个MPN可以用于家长在多个学年收到的贷款,尽管每个学年必须提交单独的贷款请求. If the parent previously signed an MPN to receive an FFEL PLUS loan, he or she will need to sign a new MPN for a Direct PLUS Loan.

Complete the PLUS application and MPN online at


For example, if the cost of attendance is $6,000 and the student receives $4,000 in other financial aid, the student's parent can request up to $2,000.

还款计划-直接PLUS贷款计划为家长提供三种标准还款计划, extended, 以及毕业生贷款——这些贷款是为满足个人借款人的不同需求而设计的. The terms differ between the repayment programs, but generally, borrowers will have 10 to 25 years to repay a loan. To read more about repayment plans, go to Repayment Information.
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Additional Loan Information
如欲查阅你在校期间所借的贷款金额,请浏览 并访问您的帐户仪表板并向下滚动到“我的贷款服务”部分,或致电1-800-433-3243联邦学生援助信息中心(FSAIC).
Entrance Loan Counseling 在获得学生贷款之前,借款人必须完成入学咨询. 这个快速简单的互动式咨询课程提供有用的技巧和工具,帮助您制定管理教育费用的预算,并帮助您了解您的贷款责任 and under 'Loans and Grants' click on 'Loan Entrance Counseling'; complete as Undergraduate.
Master Promissory Note 主本票(MPN)是一种法律文件,你承诺偿还贷款和任何应计利息和费用给美国.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s). Students can complete this requirement at and under 'Loans and Grants' click on Master Promissory Note (MPN); complete as Undergraduate.
Exit Loan Counseling 在毕业或离开学校之前,直接贷款借款人必须完成退出咨询. 直接贷款退出咨询将解释您作为直接贷款借款人的权利和责任. Students can complete this requirement at

To log in to this site and complete these requirements, 您将需要与您签署FAFSA时相同的FSA ID和密码.

Student Financial Aid

Stevens Hall, Student Services
p. 701.774.4248
f. 701.774.4211

text: 701.658.5221
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